“A great course that helps getting introduced to cryptocurrency and blockchain from an accounting standpoint. The course ensures that the attendees grasp onto the key concepts with content and presentations that are of high quality and engaging. Overall, a very thorough course that enables the attendees to learn at their own pace.”
“A fantastic course that lays a great foundation of the blockchain and cryptocurrency world. The course, through a variation of presentations, graphs, and examples, shows its participants that blockchain at its roots is an accounting system that is not only the future but will change the profession of accounting as we know it. All in all, an in-depth course clearly explaining all facets of blockchain is understandable with no prior knowledge.”
“The CPE Accounting courses work together to foster an understanding of Blockchain and Triple-Entry Accounting Systems. These courses provide a rudimentary foundation on how Blockchain and Digital Assets will Transform the Accounting Profession. For anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in the blockchain industry, the self-paced, interactive online courses provided by MMBA are extremely valuable and highly recommended.”